Thursday, December 13, 2012

OutBack Battery Heated Mitens

You can wear them in the winter and they are  do use batters. They are $36.59 in american money. They are made in UK. You can turn it off or on when ever you want. They go to 39 degrees Celsius.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hacker on Google Chrome

A hacker named Pinkie Pie hack in to Google Chrome and won $60,000. You can all so won $60,000 if you hack in to google. It does help google improve there security wall in google. He uncovered flaw in the Google Chrome.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Iphone 5

The iphone 5 is lighter than the iphone 4s. A 4 inch Retina display. It is coming out September 21, 2012.
The iphone come in white, sliver, black, and slate. For 16GB is $299. for the 32GB is $399.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Another Call of Duty for Guy's to not go out with there girlfriend.

- rumors said that call of duty is having another game called call of duty iron wolf.
- there are pictures on google and videos on youtube that they found posters and website that they are having it.
- we don't know if it is true but this is the same time that mw3 was leaked out and the game was true and came out. so it has a high present it is true.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Way

In my computer I have it as hierarchical because to me it is more easier. I have my photos in one file. Another file for all my video I made. All my documents are also in one file with all different files in them.
tagging deff: In online comupter systems terminology, a tag is a non-hierarchical term assigned to a piece of information.
sample:Tou can tag someone website so you can get new feeds from them.
social bookmaking deff: so can get feeds and follow them.
samlpe: obama can follow and see feeds from Oprah.